The Complete Guide on How to Host Your Website with cPanel on Your Own Domain

The Complete Guide on How to Host Your Website with cPanel on Your Own Domain

For anyone with a passion for IT, the desire to create a personal website is a natural step. However, before diving into the world of web development, it’s crucial to understand the basics. This includes knowing how websites function, where to upload HTML files, how to secure a domain name, and selecting the right hosting service. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process of hosting a simple HTML page that I’ve crafted, providing you with a hands-on demonstration of bringing your digital creation to life.

Understanding the Basics: A website is essentially a collection of files stored on a server, accessible via the internet. HTML files form the backbone of your site, dictating its structure and content. To make your website visible to the world, you’ll need to upload these files to a web hosting provider—a service that stores your site on its servers.

Registering a Domain: Your website’s domain is its address on the internet, like a digital street name. You’ll need to register a domain through a domain registrar, a company that manages the reservation of internet domain names.

Choosing a Hosting Service: There are numerous hosting services available, each offering different features and pricing plans. For a simple HTML page, a static website hosting service will suffice. These services are user-friendly and often provide a straightforward way to upload your HTML files and go live with minimal setup.

Step-by-Step Guide to Hosting Your HTML Page:

Select a Hosting Provider: Choose a hosting service that caters to static websites. Providers like W3Schools Spaces offer an easy-to-use platform where you can host your site with just a few clicks.

Create an Account: Sign up with the hosting provider using your email and set a password.

Create Your Space: Once logged in, look for an option to create a new ‘space’ or project. This is where you’ll upload your HTML files.

Upload Your Files: Navigate to the file manager within your space and upload your HTML files. Remember, the main file should be named index.html as it serves as the entry point to your site.

Preview and Publish: After uploading, you can preview your site to ensure everything looks as expected. If all is well, publish your site, and it will be live on the internet for others to see.

Hosting a simple HTML page is a great way to start your journey in web development. By following these steps, you’ll gain a better understanding of how websites work and take the first step towards creating your own unique presence on the web. Let’s embark on this digital adventure together!

In this demonstration, we’ll explore how to establish a web presence without incurring any costs. We’ll delve into the process of creating a domain, hosting it on a control panel (cPanel), and securing it with SSL—all for free. This hands-on guide will equip you with the knowledge to set up your website and prepare it for secure communication over the internet.

By the end of this demonstration, you’ll have a fully functional and secure website, all without spending a dime. You’ll have laid the groundwork for a professional online presence, and you’ll be ready to take the next steps in customizing and enhancing your site. Stay tuned for our next session, where we’ll complete the security setup and proudly display the ‘https://’ badge on your website. Let’s get started on this exciting journey into the world of web development!

Lets begin,

For this demonstration, I have created simple "index.html" file with html <head> and <body>.

The html page looks like this. I want to the index.html to open with my domain address and want to get it accessed over the internet.

In this demonstration, I have used “Cloudns” as my domain registrar which offers a free DNS hosting service, which includes features like 4 Unicast DNS servers, 1 DNS zone, 50 DNS Records, and 500K DNS queries per month. I have registered free domain

“Byethost” offers cPanel hosting free trial FREE for 15 days. Thus, I have used “Byethost” hosting provider in this demonstration. To enroll to the free trail follow the steps below:

1.Open the URL: . Scrolling down, and click on "Free Trial

2.Fill up the required credentials (for example: your name, emails etc.) and hit submit button.

3.You will receive the email address soon after the submission. Check your SPAM folder, If you do not receive it in “INBOX”.

4.In the email, you will receive the cPanel URL and the other credentials. Open the URL and enter the “Username” and “Password” and click “Log in

5.Now, permit it to send email by clicking “I approve”.

6.You have successfully created the cPanel account. Now, lets work on the domain part. As mentioned earlier that I have registered the domain in CLOUDNS but want to host the webpage in BYETHOST. For that, we need to create a relationship between the cPanel and the domain registrar.

Before moving to Step 7, lets know about A record:

An A record, short for Address Record, is a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record that is used to point a domain or subdomain to an IP address. Specifically, it maps a domain name to the IPv4 address of the computer hosting the domain. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

  • Domain Name: This is the human-readable address of a website, like
  • IP Address: This is the numerical address where the website is hosted, such as
  • DNS System: This acts like the internet’s phone book, translating domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load internet resources.

When you type a website’s domain name into your browser, the browser performs a DNS lookup to find the corresponding A record. If the A record exists, the browser receives information about which IP address to connect to, allowing the website to load.

7. Now, Let’s create an ‘A record’ pointing to the ‘BYETHOST’.

8.Click on “Add new record” and add the IP address. Since, I want to host in BYETHOST.On raising a tickets, the support team suggested to point in the address It seems like is the parent company and ByetHost operates as a part of ifastnet. If you do not know how to add the A records, you can check in the next Step 9.

9.Select the Type and Add the IP Address where you want to point.

10.Now, back to the cPanel, go to “Domains” and click on “Addon Domains

Before moving to Step 11, lets know about Name Server:

A NameServer is a crucial component of the Domain Name System (DNS), often referred to as the “phone book of the Internet.” It plays a vital role in translating human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. When you type a website’s address into your browser, the nameserver is responsible for directing your request to the correct web server’s IP address.

Here’s a simplified explanation of how it works:

  1. You enter a website’s domain name (like into your browser.
  2. Your browser sends a request to the domain’s nameservers.
  3. The nameservers respond with the IP address of the website’s server.
  4. Your browser then requests the website content from that IP address.
  5. The server sends the content back to your browser, which displays the website.

Nameservers look like any other domain name, for example, They manage and store DNS records, which contain the information needed for internet traffic routing, such as where to send emails and which server hosts a website.

11.Enter your domain name and click “Add Domain”. But remember to set the domain “Name Server” to the hosting server before adding the domain otherwise it will not work.

12.Let’s go back to the domain registrar and set the “Name Server”. Based on the records, now the “NS” of is set to As we have seen in the above picture that, the requirement is to set to the “NS” of “BYETHOST”, so, lets delete existing “NS” records.

13.All the “NS” records are deleted.

14.Let's add the new “NS” records that were suggested while trying to add the domain in cPanel.

Before moving to Step 15, lets know about Name Server and DNS Server:

Let’s clarify the roles of nameservers and DNS records in your scenario:

  • Nameservers: They are indeed responsible for managing DNS records. When you set up a domain with a DNS provider like CloudNS, you are given a set of nameservers. These nameservers tell the rest of the internet where to find the DNS records for your domain.
  • DNS Records Management: Even though nameservers are responsible for managing DNS records, it doesn’t necessarily mean they store all the records. In my case, CloudNS manages your DNS records, but you’ve pointed your domain’s nameservers to Byethost.
  • Delegation: By pointing your nameservers to Byethost, you’ve delegated the authority to respond to DNS queries for your domain to Byethost’s nameservers. This means that any internet traffic looking for your domain will be directed to Byethost’s nameservers for information on where to route the traffic.
  • DNS Hosting vs. DNS Management: There’s a distinction between hosting DNS records and managing them. CloudNS still manages your DNS records, but Byethost’s nameservers are now the ones that host these records and respond to queries based on the information provided by CloudNS.

In summary, while CloudNS manages the DNS records for, Byethost’s nameservers are the ones that the internet will query to get these records. This setup can work perfectly fine as long as the DNS records at CloudNS are correctly configured to point to Byethost’s nameservers. 

15.All the “NS” records are pointed to “BYETHOST”. It will take sometime to update the records.

16.Now, come back to the previous steps (Step 11), and click on “Add Domain”.

17.Domain has been added to the control panel.

18.On clicking “Go Back” button, you will see the domain has been added and also you can see the path of the root directory.

19.Now, it’s the time to upload the index.html file that was created earlier it the beginning. On cPanel go to “Files” and click on “Online File Manager” .

20.You can see that the folder has been already created. Click to enter.

Before moving to Step 21, lets know about htdocs:

The htdocs folder is the default directory where web server software like Apache stores the files for a website. It’s essentially the root directory from which the server serves files when a web request is made. This means that any files you want to be accessible via the web, such as HTML, PHP, or CSS files, should be placed in this directory.

21.You will see the htdocs folder.Click to enter.

22.Inside the htdocs folder, you can see that index2.html is present by default. Since, we have already created the "index.html" page, delete the index2.html by selecting and clicking on delete icon. You can also copy the code and paste it here.

23.If required,you can also edit index.html page by clicking on the edit button. 

24.Now, with URL: , it will display the index.html page that was imported in htdocs file. As for now, we have not used the SSL/TLS the page may not work with the https://. Also, it may not work directly entering the URL : because yet page redirection etc. has not been used.Before moving to Step 25, lets know about SSL/TLS:

SSL/TLS in a web hosting server refers to the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and its successor, Transport Layer Security (TLS), which are cryptographic protocols designed to provide secure communication over a computer network. In web hosting, SSL/TLS is used to:

  • Encrypt the data transmitted between the user’s browser and the web server, protecting it from eavesdropping.
  • Authenticate the server to ensure that users are communicating with the legitimate website and not an imposter.
  • Maintain data integrity to ensure that the data is not tampered with during transmission.

When a web server is configured with SSL/TLS, it typically uses the HTTPS protocol, indicated by the padlock icon in the browser’s address bar. This assures visitors that their connection to the site is secure and their information is protected

25.Now, let's jump into the section SSL/TLS. To enable SSL/TLS go to Security and click on SSL/TLS Manager

26.Select the Site URL on which you want to configure the SSL and click on "Configure". Here, we will configure the site

Before moving to Step 27, lets know about Private Key,CSR and Certificate:

In the context of a web hosting server, a private keyCSR (Certificate Signing Request), and certificate are all components of the SSL/TLS protocol, which is used to secure communications between a web server and its clients. Here’s a brief explanation of each term:

  • Private Key: This is a secret key that is kept secure on the server. It is used to decrypt information encrypted with the corresponding public key. It’s crucial that this key remains confidential because anyone with access to it can decrypt the server’s communications.
  • CSR (Certificate Signing Request): This is a request sent to a Certificate Authority (CA) when applying for an SSL/TLS certificate. It contains information that will be included in the certificate, such as the organization’s name and the domain to which the certificate will be issued. The CSR also includes the public key that will be included in the certificate.
  • Certificate: This is a digital document issued by a CA that verifies the ownership of a public key by the named subject of the certificate. This is what users’ browsers check to establish a trusted connection with a web server. The certificate contains the public key and the identity of the owner (such as the domain name), and it’s signed by the CA to prevent tampering.

When setting up a secure web server, you would first generate a private key and a CSR, then submit the CSR to a CA. The CA would then issue a certificate based on the CSR, which you would install on your web server along with the private key to enable secure communications.

27.Click on “Generate Key/CSR “.

28.Clicking on “Generate Key/CSR “will redirect you to this page where, you need to fill up the details. After entering all the details click on “Generate Key”.

29. It will generate the “Private Key” and “CSR” which are required during the creation of the certificate.

30.On scrolling down, you will also see the certificate field is left blank. Since, we are using the trial, we do not have the certificate available in the hosting server thus, lets download the free certificate from another SSL/TLS certificate provider and lets link that certificate in the hosting server.

Before moving to Next Chapter, lets know about SSL/TLS,Free SSL Certificates etc.:

Securing Your Website with SSL/TLS: Now, we’ll focus on implementing SSL/TLS encryption. This is a critical step in ensuring that your website’s communication is secure, signified by the ‘https://’ in your website’s URL. We’ll guide you through:

Obtaining a Free SSL Certificate: Many hosting services offer free SSL certificates through Let’s Encrypt but here we will download the certificate from different SSL service provider and then We’ll show you how to activate it in cPanel.

Installing SSL on Your Domain: With the certificate in hand, we’ll proceed to install it for your domain. This process involves a few simple steps within cPanel to ensure your website is recognized as secure by browsers.

Enabling HTTPS: Finally, we’ll ensure that your website defaults to a secure HTTPS connection, providing peace of mind for you and your visitors.

Now let's move on to the steps on how to register and download the certificate for your website:

1.There are many SSL Certificate provider, but for this demonstration I am using "SSLForFree"which allows 90 days of free SSL Certificate. Open the URL and type your domain name and click on "Create Free SSL Certificate".

2.Sign Up the account by entering the "Email Address", "Password". 3.Here, enter the domain name and click on "Next Step".

4.Select "90-Day Certificate" because 1 Year Certificate is not available for free.

5.In this step,do not turn on these the buttons and click on "Next Step".Turning on is available on the PRO version only.

6.Here, you need to paste the CSR that we have generated previously in Step 29 previously

7.A free certificated is selected. Click on "Next Step".

8.Certificate has been created but you need to verify the domain . For that you can choose three methods:

  •        Email Verification
  •        DNS (CNAME)
  •        HTTP File Upload

By default, Email Verification is chosen, Since we don’t have the domain email address within this domain, so we will verify it with CNAME. Click on "DNS (CNAME)".

9.Now, go back to the DNS registrar and add the “CNAME” record.

10.The “CNAME” records has been updated. It will take some time to update based upon the domain registrar.

11.After the addition of “CNAME” Records in domain registrar. Once again come back to the previous step 8 and click “Next Step”.

12.For domain ownership verification, click on “Verify Domain”.

13.In this step, either you can leave the “default” option or you can choose the “Server Type” and click “Next Step”.

14.Now, click on “Download Certificate”.

15.Go to the location where .zip file is downloaded. Extract the file and open it. You will see “ca_bundle.crt” and “certificate.crt”.

16.Do not double click the file, it will prompt you to install the file on the machine that you are working but the requirement is to install the certificate in cPanel. Thus, right click and click on edit as notepad.

17.Copy the above certificate and paste it in the "Certificate" field. After pasting click on “Update Certificate”. If no error occurred on clicking on “Upload Certificate” , then you are good to go.

18.Now, back again to the folder where we have uploaded the index.html you will be able to see the file named “.htaccess”. Right click and edit the file.

Before moving to Step 19, lets know about .htaccess:

The web server does not automatically redirect HTTP to HTTPS, it needs to be explicitly instructed. (.htaccess) configuration file is the file used on web servers running the Apache Web Server software, and it allows you to make changes to the server’s behavior without altering the main configuration files.

Without such a script in the .htaccess file, the server would serve the content over HTTP by default, which is not secure. Therefore, the script ensures that all traffic is served over HTTPS, providing a secure connection for your users. It’s a proactive step to ensure security and privacy for your website’s visitors. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to web security!

19.Here, I have written some script which will redirect the http:// traffic to https://.This step may vary as per the hosting server. If you are hosting WordPress website then https:// redirection might be in the admin console.

20.Now, when enter the URL it will land the page and shows that the website is secure. Also, when I only type  or it is will redirect me to the page ,You can also redirect it from the domain registrar by adding the “WR” record.

21.In the domain Registrar, I am adding the new record which will redirect my page. When anyone type then it will land the page

22.Here you can see the “WR” has been added. Now, for example if you type or or, in any of the case, you will be redirected to

23.Now, before checking the result. I am going to edit the page and modify the code on it.

24.Now,on browsing the URL, It will display the page that I have updated lately..😊😊😊

Let’s wrap up this demo.

I’ve shown you how to make your website available for everyone to see. We talked about how to get a domain name, where your website lives on the internet, and how to set up a security certificate. I used cPanel to show you this, but remember, most servers work in a similar way. Some steps might be a bit different, depending on the hosting and domain companies you choose. I hope everything’s clear now. Thanks!

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