Microsoft Teams Training Day 23 - Manage attendee Audio and Video permissions in Microsoft Teams

Manage attendee Audio and Video permissions in Microsoft Teams

In an organization to avoid the random noise and visual distractions you can disable the attendee’s mic and video in a meeting.

Prevent the Mic and Camera use

After scheduling the meeting, go to the meeting on which you want to prevent the attendees from using Mic and Camera. Right click on the meeting and click on edit.

Go to 3 dots options as highlighted and click on Meeting Options.

Make the changes as per your requirement and click on save. Here, in this demonstration, only the Q & A is enabled for the attendees.

Result: The meeting organizer have all the options however looking on to the attendees you will see that they are not able use their Mic, Camera, and other options.

Meeting Organizer View

Attendee View

During the meeting, the organizer can enable or disable the Video and Audio for all the attendees at once or individually if needed.

Go to participants and click on 3 dots. You will now see the options to enable mic or the camera. For this demonstration, lets allow the Mic for attendees.

For that, click on allow mic for attendees.

Allow Mics

Result: Mic is now enabled for the attendee.

You can also enable or disable the Mic & Camera individually during a Teams Meeting.

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